Overnight Camp FAQ
Meal service will include dinner on the first day plus breakfast and lunch on the last day. The middle three days include three meals plus allergy sensitive snacks available during ultimate trainings.
Allergies can be accommodated at all meals if we are notified weeks in advance of the camp.
On the first day, kids should arrive at Camp Casey having already eaten lunch. We’ll have snacks available on Monday afternoon.
Drop off & pick up
Enter at the South Entrance to Camp Casey.
- Check-in on Sunday is 6:30-8:00pm.
- Check-in on Monday is 12:30-2:00pm.
- Check-out on the Friday is 4:00pm-5:30pm.
- Call/text Xtehn if alternate arrangements are needed.
Be aware of increased ferry traffic during the holiday weekend. https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/.
Day campers: breakfast is at ~8:00, lunch is at ~12:00, and dinner is at ~5:00. Specific times tba. We are planning evening activities that will end by 9pm. We suggest dropping off during/after breakfast and picking up either after dinner or after the evening activity at ~9:00pm. Call/text Xtehn if alternate arrangements are needed.
Drive slowly and carefully at all times on Casey roads. Speed limit is 5MPH.
Contact Info / Emergency Numbers
Camp Casey Main Office (360) 678-5050 or (866) 661-6604/toll free. Open 8am-5pm, M-F.
Contact Xtehn Frame for specific player arrangements, registration issues, questions about programming, logistics, coaching, or other.
Urgent Care is available at Whidbey General Hospital, approx 3 miles NE of Camp Casey. Open 24/7.
Cell phones
Cell phones will remain in the bunk rooms during the day and will be accessible to players right before/after meal times, when we have scheduled breaks at the dorms, and just before bed. We will ask all campers to not use their phones after 10pm and if individuals are on their phones at night we may confiscate them until morning. Exceptions made upon request.
Safety / other
One or two camp staff will sleep in the bunk rooms with the players.
All staff have passed background checks and the majority are first aid & CPR certified. There will always be at least one first aid & CPR certified coach with campers throughout camp.
Wading and swimming in Puget Sound waters is prohibited due to dangerous rip tides. No driftwood or marine life may be removed from the beach.
No smoking, alcohol, firearms, fireworks, candles, illegal substances or pets allowed (with assistance dog exceptions).
Medications are stored in the “staff room” (ie Company Quarters C) where there is a kitchen space & fridge available. Bags/containers must be clearly labeled with the name of the camper and any relevant notes about the medication schedule.
During meal times (8am, noon, 5pm) and/or at bed time (9pm) a counselor will access the staff room and assist a camper with their medications; we’ll establish whether said camper or a specific counselor will be responsible for reminding that it’s medication time.
Camp director Xtehn Frame (773-387-0502) will be the primary back-up for reminders and accessing the staff room as necessary.
What do the divisions mean?
When we do the ultimate trainings, we’ll have players in four divisions according to skills, experience, and athleticism.
When we are doing other activities (off the field), we’ll divide players into groups - sometimes by age/grade, and sometimes by other means. In other words, the Intermediate/Advanced divisions will apply mainly for our ultimate training activities. The rest of the time, kids will be interacting with each other across divisions!
If a player is signed up for a division that does not seem like a good fit (in the eyes of the coaches), then we will move them up/down in order to improve the experience for all the players.
Which division should I choose?
We recommend that you select a division according to what grade your kid is in:
MS Intermediate (recommended for rising 6th-7th graders)
MS Advanced (recommended for rising 7th-8th graders)
HS Intermediate (recommended for rising 9th-10th graders who have played only a year or two of organized ultimate)
HS Advanced (recommended for rising 9th-10th graders who competed throughout middle school)
If your 6th/7th/8th grader is a relatively experienced player, sign them up for the MS Advanced division … and likewise, if your 9th/10th grader is brand new to ultimate, the HS Intermediate division will be the best fit for them.
The advanced divisions are an opportunity for players to take their game up a notch - the level of play in these groups will be comparable to Seven Hills and USA Ultimate YCC.
If you’re not sure which division to register for, choose Intermediate. Once we see how kids are doing on the first day, it will be a lot smoother to move a kid up a division than move them down.
We’ll start off with players in the divisions they’re registered for and then coaches will make adjustments if need be.
MS kids in the HS division?
Can I sign my 8th grader up for the HS Intermediate division? … Our intention is to have kids training with other players who are the same age/grade/size. If you think your 8th grader would be a better fit in HS Intermediate division, let us know and we’ll consider placing them there.
In the same vein, if it's important for your kid to be buddied with a player in a different grade/division, we'll support that! -> Use the "Friends or Teammates" field when you register to describe the situation.
Grade limitations?
Can I sign my kid up if they just finished 4th grade and they’re heading into 5th grade? …NO.
Can I sign my kid up if they just finished 5th grade and they’re heading into 6th grade? …YES.
Can I sign my kid up for "Overnight Camp (August 11-16)" if they just finished 10th grade and they're heading into 11th? …NO. -> Sign up for PRO ULTIMATE ACADEMY.
What about rising 11th-12th graders and rising college freshman? ... Sign up for PRO ULTIMATE ACADEMY.
Can I sign up with friends or teammates?
Yes! There's a space in the registration form to list friends or teammates who you'd like to sign up with.
We'll do our best to honor these requests, along with with the divisions that each kid is registered for. In the the event that these two factors contradict, we will use our best judgement and we may also ask players, "would you rather be with your friends, or in a division that's a better fit for you?"
In order to make the experience good for everyone, we reserve the right to separate players if they're being a distraction to the group.
For updates and more information, refer to our COVID Safety Plan & Updates page, but take into account the below information which is specific to our Overnight Camp.
Camp Casey COVID Guidelines: Camp Casey Conference Services is providing us with the space (and meals!) throughout the week, and their COVID guideilnes/updates can be found here.
Do you have another question? —> Ask us!
Xtehn Frame <xtehn@seattlecascades.com>